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The products in the PhytoMax series contain blends of essential oils, extracts, herbs, spices, approved additives, and carrier substances. The product includes the pre-mixed extract AuxInt® (auxilium intestinorum). Scientific studies conducted at the universities of Munich and Tübingen (Germany) have demonstrated the effectiveness of AuxInt® in cases of primarily inflammatory colitis. The results can be evaluated based on the animals’ body weight or through histological examinations. AuxInt® exhibited highly positive clinical effects on inflammatory bowel diseases. Further cell biology studies confirmed the active involvement of so-called transmitter substances in inflammatory processes.

By improving the mucosa of the digestive tract, the growth of the animals is positively influenced, and morbidity and mortality are reduced. Below is an overview of the products. And we are, of course, GMP+ certified!

These products are available in Europe through Speerstra Feed Ingredients BV.

For information about our poultry product, you can click here. Other species: PhyotMax Calf, PhyotMax Swine, PhytoMax Dairy, PhytoMax ACF.